Acing the Admissions Essay & Acing the AP English Lang & Comp

Mr. Mooney has been teaching AP English Lang and Comp at Tesoro High since 2002. Through the years, Mr. Mooney's students have typically earned an 88-93% pass rate on the exam, and even more importantly, drastically improved their writing skills.
Each summer, Mr. Mooney hosts several 4-day workshops focusing on writing drafts for college admissions essays. This is a great first step in writing successful UC essays and Common App essays for college admissions. The workshops include his book, Acing the Admissions Essay.
Mr. Mooney has been teaching sophomore English since 2001, and Lord of the Flies and Catcher in the Rye are among his favorite novels. The awesome argument unit on the "Age of Responsibility" is a newer addition to the English 2 curriculum. Click for resources.
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 2:45 pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
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